After the tour we decided to walk up the stairs to the top of the dome of the Vaticani ... that was a great work out for our bum and calf muscles and we paid to do that - he he he.
Oops the old interweb is misbehaving, so am suffering some technical problems, I'll get our IT department onto it quick smart to fix ... wait a minute - thats me - all fixed now!
Roma is full of beautiful old buildings and churches etc, every street or narrow alley you walk down, there's another or as some tourist say "theres an ABC" which means "Another bloody church" or as a lovely Irish lady from our tour today said to me on a recent trip through another part of europe they would say ABC meant to them "another bloody castle.
Tomorrow we can have a wee sleep in, but i think we are walking down to the Colosseeo area and I might have to Joanne past a few shops.
It such a great city to go walk about in and loads of main tourists attractions are very close to one another, we would would not recommend taking the Hop-on-Hop off bus.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Sharlene has only purchased one pair, yes you read that correctly folks, only one pair of new shoes so far ... that's amazing after 2 weeks of travelling ... but I have a feeling that New York might have a few pairs that might just have to come back to NZ with me - he he he
That's all folks!
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